Besucht auch XING, das internationale Kontaktnetzwerk. Dort könnt Ihr schnell und problemlos interessante Geschäftskontakte knüpfen und Euer Netzwerk erweitern. Sehr empfehlenswert!
This Howto is based on my experience setting up Debian Linux with a 2.4.x kernel on my SunPCi-IIpro card (with Intel Celeron 733MHz processor). Things may be different (especially setting up the root directory), for other Linux distributions, however the concepts should still remain the same.Update: This Howto deals with version 2.3.x of the SUNWspci2 Solaris package only. This is the software needed to drive the SunPCi-II and SunPCi-IIpro cards. Sun now ships the SunPCi-III (based on a Mobile 1.4-GHz AMD Athlon XP 1600+ processor) with SUNWspci3 software. As of version 3.2 Redhat Linux is listed as a supported OS. The SUNWspci3 software comes with various Redhat install floppies.