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If you're like many Solaris users and administrators, you spend a lot of time moving back and forth between directories in similar locations. Forinstance, you might often work in your home directory (such as "/home/al"), the /usr/local directories, web page directories, or other user's homedirectories in /home.If you're often moving back-and-forth between the same directories, and you use the Bourne shell (sh) or Korn shell (ksh) as your login shell, you canuse the CDPATH shell variable to save yourself a lot of typing, and quickly move between directories.Here's a quick demo. First move to the root directory: cd /Next, if it's not set already, set your CDPATH shell variable as follows:CDPATH=/usr/spoolThen, type this cd command: cd cronWhat happens? Type this and see what happened: pwdThe result should be "/usr/spool/cron".When you typed "cd cron", the shell looked in your local directory for a sub-directory named "cron". When it didn't find one, it searched the CDPATHvariable, and looked for a "cron" sub-directory. When it found a sub-directory named cron in the /usr/spool directory, it moved you there.You can set your CDPATH variable just like your normal PATH variable: CDPATH=/home/al:/usr/local:/usr/spool:/home