Im OBP hab ich US locales.
Mit dem Metacluster muss ich dich leider enttäuschen - keine Ahnung
Die DIP-Switches ändern wirklich das Layout - das steht fest.
Nur alles durchprobieren und jedes Mal rebooten muss nicht unbedingt sein, da sich bei 5 Switches genug Möglichkeiten finden Zeit zu verschwenden *G*
Irgendwo hatte ich mal eine Auflistung gefunden, aber wir suchen heir zu zweit und finden nichts via Google...
Nimm den:
cat /usr/openwin/share/etc/keytables/
keytable file names with 4 are for a Type 4 keyboard. Keytable file names with 5 are for a Type 5 keyboard.
Changing the layout from one keyboard layout to another layout (Czech for example), requires the following steps:
1.Find out the correct DIP switch id (or layout id) either from the table or from the /usr/openwin/share/etc/keytables/ file. The layout id value in the file is a decimal value.
For Czech, the layout id is 53 in decimal (0x35 in hexadecimal).
2.Convert the layout id to binary, or use a proper “Setting in Binary” value from the column in the above table. For base conversion, calculator utilities such as dtcalc(1) may be used.
The correct binary value for the Czech keyboard is 110101.
3.Become superuser. Shut down and power off the system.
4. Change the DIP switch settings at the back of the keyboard by using the binary value in step 2.
The first DIP switch is on your left. Move the switch up for “1” and down for “0”.
The Czech keyboard binary value 110101, corresponds to: up up down up down up.
5. Power on and boot the system for use.