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Hallo zusammen,die heutige Heise-Meldung:Sun veröffentlicht OpenSolaris 2008.5 "Indiana"Download der Live-CD oder als Media kostenlos Ich habe mir gleich mal ein Medium bestellt und werde es auf den ThinkPad T60 ausprobieren.Grüßeescimo
warum bestellen und nicht runterladen? gibts da was extra?bei mir läuft das ganze seit 2 wochen in einer vm... und demnächst sicher auch auf meinem notebook. macht erstmal einen ganz netten eindruck nachdem ich das netzwerk eingerichtet bekam...
"Dat is ja grad so wie beim Linux!"
Dear Jürgen,This email confirms that the order you placed with Sun Microsystemsfor a free Open Solaris Live CD on 5/5/2008shipped via United States First Class mail on 5/15/2008 to the following address:Jürgen GermanyPlease allow 2-5 weeks for delivery.We would like to hear from you when you receive this shipment.Please reply to this email and fill in the fields below:Date on which you received this order (month/day/year): __/__/____Were you satisfied with the order you received (yes or no): ___Comments : _____________________________________
Dear Stephan,This email confirms that the order you placed with Sun Microsystemsfor a free Open Solaris Live CD on 5/5/2008shipped via United States First Class mail on 5/15/2008 to the following address:StephanGermanyPlease allow 2-5 weeks for delivery.We would like to hear from you when you receive this shipment.Please reply to this email and fill in the fields below:Date on which you received this order (month/day/year): __/__/____Were you satisfied with the order you received (yes or no): ___Comments : _____________________________________Thank you for your interest in Sun Microsystems Products. If you have questions please send an email to mailto:mediakit@sunwarestore.comand reference order number XXXYour Customer Service Team.