noch mal den diag-level max output
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Hardware Power ON
Master CPU online
Slave Offline, disabled
Button Power ON
Master CPU online
Slave Offline, disabled
Button Power ON
Master CPU online
Slave Offline, disabled
Probing keyboard Done
%o0 = 0000.0000.0000.4001
Executing Power On SelfTest
0>@(#) Sun Ultra Enterprise 2 FCS_POST, version SB3.3.8 11/16/1998 1:42 PM
0> UltraSparc1 Version 4.0
0>Ecache Probe
0> Ecache size 512 Kb
0>Ecache Tag Test
0>Ecache RAM Test
0>Ecache Address Line Test
0>Initialize and Verify Ecache
0>SC Initialization
0> SC_MP id=acf1, UPA Number=4, Impl=0, Ver=3
0>SC Dual Tag RAM Test
0> Clearing DTAG's.
0>Initialize SC_MP memory control registers
0>BMX Test
0> Checking BMX's
0>Probing Memory
0> Found Memory Group #3 64Mb 64Mb 64Mb 64Mb
0> Found 256 Megabytes of usable Main Memory
0>SIMM Group Base Addr Size Group Status
0> 3 00000000.60000000 10000000 00
0>Quick Memory Test
0>Clear and Test Stack Memory
SelfTest Initializing
0>Basic CPU Test
0> Instruction Cache Tag RAM Test
0> Instruction Cache Instruction RAM Test
0> Instruction Cache Next Field RAM Test
0> Instruction Cache Pre-decode RAM Test
0> Data Cache RAM Test
0> Data Cache Tags Test
0>MMU Enable Test
0> DMMU Registers Access Test
0> DMMU TLB DATA RAM Access Test
0> DMMU TLB TAGS Access Test
0> IMMU Registers Access Test
0> IMMU TLB DATA RAM Access Test
0> IMMU TLB TAGS Access Test
0> DMMU Init
0> IMMU Init
0> Mapping Selftest Enabling MMUs
0>FPU Register Test
0> FPU Registers and Data Path Test
0> FSR Read/Write Test
0>EPROMs Test
0> PROM Datapath Test
0>Serial Ports Test
0> Slavio Serial Ports Test
0> M48T59 (TOD) Init
0> M48T59 (TOD) Functional Part 1 Test
0>Memory Test
0> Memory Clear Test
0> Test being relocated into Memory
0> Memory RAM (blk) Test
0> Test being relocated into Memory
0> Memory Stress Test
0> Test being relocated into Memory
0> Memory Address Line Test
0> Test being relocated into Memory
0>Forcing ECC Faults Test
0> ECC CE Pattern Test
0> ECC CE Check bit Test
0> ECC UE Pattern Test
0> ECC UE Check bit Test
0>SysIO Registers Test
0> SysIO Regsiter Initialization
0> IOMMU Registers and RAM Test
0> Streaming Buffer Registers and RAM Test
0> SBus Control and Config Registers Test
0> SysIO RAM Initialization
0>SysIO Functional Test
0> Mapping Selftest Enabling MMUs
0> Clear Interrupt Map and State Registers
0> SysIO Interrupts Test
0> SysIO Timers/Counters Test
0> IOMMU Virtual Address TLB Tag Compare Test
0> Streaming Buffer Flush Test
0> DMA Merge Buffer Test
0>CPU Speed
0> CPU 0 Running at 168 MHZ.
0>Ecache Stress Test
0> Ecache Stress Test
0>APC Test
0> APC Registers Tests Test
0> APC DVMA Test
0>Data Cache Test
0> Dcache Init
0> Dcache Enable Test
0> Dcache Functionality Test
0>FEPS Test
0> Parallel Port Registers Test
0> Parallel Port ID is: 0x2
0> Parallel Port DVMA burst mode read/write Test
0> FAS366 Registers Test
0> ESP FAS366 DVMA burst mode read/write Test
0> FEPS Internal Loopbacks Test
0> Ethernet Tranceiver Internal Loopbacks Test
0>CPU Functional Test
0> Mapping Selftest Enabling MMUs
0> SPARC Atomic Instructions Test
0> CPU Dispatch Control Register Test
0> CPU Softint Registers and Interrupts Test
0> CPU Tick and Tick Compare Registers Test
0> Uni-Processor Cache Coherence Test
0> Base_address = 60100000
0> UltraSPARC-2 Prefetch Instructions Test
0> *UltraSparc-1 module detected, tests skipped
0>**Entering OBP (3b)
Power On Selftest Completed
Status = 0000.0000.0000.0000 0000.01ff.f007.87f0 1f66.0000.01c1.0105
Software Power ON
Master CPU online
Slave Offline, disabled
@(#) Sun Ultra 2 UPA/SBus 3.25 Version 0 created 1999/12/03 11:35
Clearing DTAGS Done
Probing Memory Done
MEM BASE = 0000.0000.6000.0000
MEM SIZE = 0000.0000.1000.0000
Copy Done
PC = 0000.01ff.f000.2c60
PC = 0000.0000.0000.2ca4
Decompressing into Memory Done
Size = 0000.0000.0006.70e0
ttya initialized
Probing Memory Bank #0 0 0 0 0 : 0 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #1 0 0 0 0 : 0 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #2 0 0 0 0 : 0 Megabytes
Probing Memory Bank #3 64 64 64 64 : 256 Megabytes
Probing UPA Slot at 1e,0 SUNW,ffb
Probing /sbus@1f,0 at e,0 SUNW,fas sd st SUNW,hme SUNW,bpp
Probing /sbus@1f,0 at 0,0 Nothing there
Probing /sbus@1f,0 at 1,0 Nothing there
Probing /sbus@1f,0 at 2,0 Nothing there
Probing /sbus@1f,0 at 3,0 Nothing there